Submitted by PurpleAlien on Thu, 06/24/2010 - 05:03
Freescale Technology Forum is almost over. Tomorrow is the last day, but I'll be leaving already at noon tomorrow to catch a plane towards San Antonio - so it's the end for me.

FTF was great. I enjoyed giving the lecture (which we did in cooperation with Future Electronics - thanks!). I met a great deal of interesting people and seen some great new and upcoming technologies. The technical sessions especially were excellent.
Submitted by PurpleAlien on Mon, 06/14/2010 - 19:02
Next week I'll be giving a lecture at FTF (Freescale Technology Forum) in Orlando, Florida.

Submitted by PurpleAlien on Thu, 05/06/2010 - 11:21
On 1 May I gave a day long training at the Advanced Engineering University event hosted by Future Electronics in Montréal, Canada.